1. First confirmation in Japanese waters of the brackishwater frogfish
Okinawa Churashima Foundation RESEARCH INSTITUTE

Research on marine organisms

First confirmation in Japanese waters of the brackishwater frogfish

Frogfish use their limbs-like pectoral and pelvic fins to “walk” around the sea floor. There are over 50 species of frogfish around the world. Most frogfish are marine species, however the brackishwater frogfish is unusual in that is found in brackishwater and freshwater. This species was confirmed in the tropics south of Taiwan. However, the authors have confirmed this species to also inhabit near Okinawa Island and Yakushima Island. These were the first records of the species in Japanese waters. Its triangular head is like a clown’s hat which led to its Japanese name piero-kaeruanko. Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium successfully reared and exhibited the individual collected in a northern Okinawan river.

Brackishwater frogfish exhibited in the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium


Kei Miyamoto, Hidetoshi Wada, Tadanosuke Nagasaka, Hauraka Takano, Hiroyuki Motomura, and Hiroshi Senou (Bold letters: the Churashima Foundation Staff)


First Japanese records of Antennarius biocellatus (Antennariidae) from Okinawa-jima and Yaku-shima island


Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan

Journal link

First Japanese records of Antennarius biocellatus (Antennariidae) from Okinawa-jima and Yaku-shima island