1. Publication of a paper on the first Japanese record of a rare grenadier Coelorinchus sheni
Okinawa Churashima Foundation RESEARCH INSTITUTE

Research on marine organisms

Publication of a paper on the first Japanese record of a rare grenadier Coelorinchus sheni

in 2016, a rare species of grenadier was collected in the waters near Ie Island, in Okinawa Prefecture. Teams from Kyoto University and the Okinawa Churashima Foundation reported that this was the first discovery of Coelorinchus sheni in Japanese waters.
Since it was first described as a new species in 2004, there had only been a dozen other individuals confirmed and it was considered a rare species only to been found around Taiwan. This large individual reaching nearly 70 cm was found and donated by a local fisherman to the Churashima Foundation. Its new Japanese name is proposed to be tora-hige due to tiger-like pattern on its back when young.


Naohide Nakayama, Hiroko Takaoka, Kei Miyamoto (Bold Letters: Churashima Foundation staff members)

Title of paper

First Record of the Grenadier Coelorinchus sheni (Actinopterygii: Gadiformes: Macrouridae) from Japan

Title of Journal

Species Diversity

Link to journal
