  1. 植田 啓一



植田 啓一

植田 啓一 (うえだ けいいち)

(附属動物病院長 兼 動物健康管理室室長 兼 上席研究員)

専門分野 小型歯鯨類の臨床獣医学
  • 水棲動物の外科的手技の研究
  • 小型歯鯨類の新興真菌感染症の研究


  • 2021年:(一財)沖縄美ら島財団 水族館事業部 動物健康管理室室長 兼 総合研究所動物研究室上席研究員 現職
  • 2019年:総合研究所 動物研究室室長 兼 動物健康管理室室長
  • 2017年:総合研究所 動物研究室室長
  • 2013年:博士(獣医学)酪農学園大学にて学位取得
  • 2008年:総合研究センター兼務
  • 2002年:(財)海洋博覧会記念公園管理財団(沖縄美ら海水族館)勤務
  • 1996年:(社)沖縄海洋生物飼育技術センター 勤務
  • 1996年:酪農学園大学酪農学部獣医学科卒業


  • Minakawa T, Takahashi S, Azakami D, Nakamura M, Ueda K. 2021. Intralesional bleomycin treatment for an oral squamous cell carcinoma in Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus). Japanese Jounal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. (in press).
  • Kanegae H, Souza Sugiura IM, Minakawa T, Augasuto OM, Itano EN, Wada S, Nakamura Y, Shumoto G, Sano A, Ueda K. 2021.Confirmation of a Suspected Case of Paracoccidioidomycosis Ceti by a Combination of Polymerase Chain Reaction and Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification (PCR-LAMP) Analysis. Japanese Jounal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. (in press).
  • Ikeshima, S., Higa, S., Mitani, Y., Omata, M., Kobayashi, N., Ueda, K., Kawazu, I. 2021. First Observation of Pregnancy and Parturition in a Captive Pantropical Spotted Dolphin (Stenella attenuata). Mammal Study, 46(4): 1–6.
  • Ohsaki H, Ueda K, Oshiro M, Kamoshida S, Suzuki, Nishiyama A. 2021. Cytologic features of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma in an Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops aduncus). Veterinary Clinical Pathology. Sep;50(3):404-409. doi: 10.1111/vcp.12996.
  • Kobayashi N, Tokutake K, Yoshida H, Okabe H, Miyamoto K, Ito H, Higashi N, Fukada S, Yamazaki K, Higa S, Kawazu I, Ueda K. 2021. The First Stranding Record of Longman’s Beaked Whale (Indopacetus pacificus) in Okinawa, Japan. Aquatic Mammals, 47(2): 153–174.
  • Kobayashi N, Ozawa S, Hanahara N, Tokutake K, Kaneshi T, Inoue K, Okabe H, Miyamoto K, Ueda K. 2021. The first record of a Longman’s beaked whale (Indopacetus pacificus) newborn neonate found on Miyako Island, Okinawa, Japan. Marine Biodiversity Records, 14(4):1–12.
  • Minakawa T, Shumoto G, Kezuka C, Izawa T, Sasaki K, Yamaguchi S, Kamezaki N, Yamate J, Konno T, Sano A, Nakagawa Itano E, Wada S, Willson C, Ueda K. 2020. Seroprevalence of Antibodies Against Paracoccidioides Spp. in Captive Dolphins from Three Aquaria in Japan. Mycopathologia 185:1013–1020.
  • Kanegae H, Tomino N, Nakamura Y, Minakawa T, Yaguchi T, Izawa T, Sano A, Nakagawa Itano E, Ueda K. 2020. Parengyodontium album Isolated from Cutaneous Lesions of a Pacific White-Sided Dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens) During Treatment for Paracoccidioidomycosis Ceti. Mycopathologia 185: 1021–1031.
  • Suzuki A, Akuzawa K, Kogi K, Ueda K, Suzuki M. 2020. Captive environment influences the composition and diversity of fecal microbiota in Indo‐Pacific bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops aduncus. Marine Mammal Science 37(1): 207–219.
  • Ohsaki H, Ueda K, Oshiro M, Kamoshida S, Suzuki M, Nishiyama A. 2020. Cytologic features of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma in an Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops aduncus). Veterinary Clinical Pathology. 50(3): 404–409.
  • Werth A, Ito H, Ueda K. 2020. Multiaxial movements at the minke whale temporomandibular joint. Journal of morphology. 281(3): 402–412.
  • Shumoto G, Nagashima LA, Nakagawa Itano E, Minakawa T, Ueda K, Sano A. 2019. Immunohistochemical Cross-Reactivity Between Arthrographis kalrae and Highly Pathogenic Coccidioides posadasii, Histoplasma capsulatum, and Paracoccidioides Fungal Species. Mycopathologia 184:393–402.
  • Shumoto G, Ueda K, Yamaguchi S, Kaneshima T, Konno T, Terashima Y, Yamamoto A, Nagashima LA, Itano EN, Sano A. 2018. Immunohistochemical Cross-Reactivity Between Paracoccidioides sp. from Dolphins and Histoplasma capsulatum(Article). Mycopathologia,183 (5) :793-803.
  • Minakawa T, Ueda K, Sano A, Kamisako H, Iwanaga M, Komine T, Wada S. 2018. A Suspected Case of Paracoccidioidomycosis Ceti in a Male Aquarium-maintained Pacific White-sided Dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens) in Japan. Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 17–11.
  • Tomita T, Toda M, Miyamoto K, Oka S, Ueda K, Sato K. 2018. Development of the lunate-shaped caudal fin in white shark embryos. The Anatomical Record, 301: 1068-1073.
  • Ueda K, Nakamura I, Itano EN, Takemura K, Nakazato Y, Sano A. 2017. Trichosporon asteroides Isolated from Cutaneous Lesions of a Suspected Case of “paracoccidioidomycosis ceti” in a Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Mycopathologia, 182: 937–946.
  • Ueda K, M, Murakumo K, Matsumoto Y, Sato K, Uchida S. 2017. Chapter 26. Physical examination and clinical approach for large elasmobranchs. The Elasmobranch Husbandry Manual II: Recent Advances in the Care of Sharks, Rays and their Relatives 255–262.
  • Tamura J, Yanagisawa M, Endo Y, Ueda K, Koga H, Izumisawa Y, Yamashita K. 2017. Anesthetic Management of an Indo-Pacific Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus) Requiring Surgical debridement of a Tail Abscess. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 48(1): 200–203.
  • Minakawa T, Ueda K, Tanaka M, Tanaka N, Kuwamura M, Izawa T, Konno T, Yamate J, Nakagawa Itano E, Sano A, Wada S. 2016. Detection of Multiple Budding Yeast Cells and a Partial Sequence of 43-kDa Glycoprotein Coding Gene of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis from a Case of Lacaziosis in a Female Pacific White-Sided Dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens) Mycopathologia 181: 523–529. DOI 10.1007/s11046-016-9988-4
  • Ueda K, Izumisawa Y, Miyahara H 2014. Surgical Treatment of Dolphins (Tursiops aduncus, Tursiops truncatus, Pseudorca crassidens, and Steno bredanensis) in an Aquarium. Aquatic Mammals 40(2): 185–190. DOI 10.1578/AM.40.2.2014.185
  • Ueda K, Murakami M, Kato J, Miyahara H, Izumisawa Y 2013. Intervention to improve the quality of life of a bottlenose dolphin that developed necrosis on the tail flukes. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 25:1201–1207.
  • Ueda K, Sano A, Yamate, Itano-Nakagawa E, Kuwamura M, Izawa T, Tanaka M, Hasegawa Y, Chibana H, Izumisawa Y, Miyahara H, Uchida S 2013. Two Cases of Lacaziosis in Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Japan. Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine 2013: 1–9.
  • 佐野文子,柳澤牧央,安里 歩,植田啓一 2013.:特集 症例からみた真菌症 Fusarium 属菌種(Fusarium solani complex)によるマナティの皮膚感染症.獣医畜産新報. 66:194–200.
  • Tomita T, Toda M, Ueda K, Uchida S, Nakaya K. 2012. Live-brearing manta ray: How the embryo acquires oxygen without placenta and umbilical cord. Biology Letters 8:721–724.
  • Suzuki M, Nozawa A, Ueda K, Bungo T, Terao H, Asahina K. 2012. Secretory patterns of catecholamines in Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins. General and Comparative Endocrinology 177: 76–81.
  • Von Lieven AF, Uni S, Ueda K, Barbuto M, Bain O. 2011. Cutidiplogaster manati n. gen., n. sp. (Nematoda: Diplogastridae) from skin lesions of a West Indian manatee (Sirenia) from the Okinawa Churaumi. Nematology 13(1): 51–59.
  • Funasaka N, Yoshioka M, Suzuki M, Ueda K, Miyahara H, Uchida S. 2011. Seasonal Difference of Diurnal Variations in Serum Melatonin, Cortisol, Testosterone, and Rectal Temperature in Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops aduncus). Aquatic mammals 37: 433–442.
  • Sun Q, Morikawa H, Ueda K, Miyahara H, Nakashima M. 2011. Bending Properties of Tail Flukes of Dolphin. Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering 6: 15–25.
  • Takahashi H, Ueda K, Itano-Nakagawa E, Yanagisawa M, Murata Y, Murata M, Yaguchi T, Murakami M, Kamei K, Inomata T, Miyahara H, Sano A, Uchida S. 2010. Candida albicans and C. tropicalis Isolates from the Expired Breathes of Captive Dolphins and Their Environments in an Aquarium. Veterinary Medicine International. 2010:1–12. (http://dx.doi.org/10.4061/2010/349364).
  • Sun Q, Morikawa H, Kobayashi S, Ueda K, Miyahara H, Nakashima M. 2010. Structure and Mechanical Properties on Tail Flukes of Dolphin. Journal of Aero Aqua Bio-Mechanisms 1: 45–50.
  • Sun Q, Morikawa H, Kobayashi S, Ueda K, Miyahara H, Nakashima M. 2010. Structure and Bending Properties of Central Part of Tail Fin of Dolphin. Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering 5: 388–398.
  • Itou T, Koie H, Yanagisawa M, Ueda K, Kuwano R, Suzuki M, Moritomo T, Sasaki T. 2010. Bone marrow biopsy from the flipper of a dolphin. The Veterinary Journal 185:216–217.
  • Itou T, Koie H, Yanagisawa M, Ueda K, Kuwano R, Suzuki M, Moritomo T, Sasaki T. 2010. A new approach to bone biopsy in cetaceans. The Veterinary Journal 185:101–102.
  • Suzuki M, Uchida S, Ueda K, Tobayama T, Katsumata E, Yoshioka M, Aida K. 2003. Diurnal and annual changes in serum cortisol concentrations in Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins Tursiops aduncus and killer whales Orcinus orca. General and Comparative Endocrinology 132: 427–433.


  • 海獣水族館 飼育と展示の生物学 pp183-187. 東海大学出版. 2010.
  • 鯨類の骨学 Osterology of Whale 緑書房.
  • 生きものと働きたい!(1) 動物園・水族館 生きものを見せる仕事 pp38-39. 学研.2006.


  • 2018年:平成30年度沖縄ブロック国土交通研究会 優秀賞イノベーション部門
  • 2014年:Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 2013 Excellent Paper Award受賞
  • 2013年:日本胎盤学会 相馬賞受賞
  • 2012年:日本リハビリテーション・ケア合同研究会・札幌2012 優秀演題賞
  • 2012年:第56回日本真菌医学会総会・学術集会 優秀演題賞受賞
  • 2009年:人工尾びれ特許取得
  • 2006年:第50回日本真菌医学会総会 Excellent Presentation Award受賞
  • 2005年:16th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammalsで Excellence in Science Communication Award受賞


  • 日本獣医学会
  • 日本医真菌学会
  • 日本リハビリケア学会
  • 日本胎盤学会





