  1. 岡部 晴菜



岡部 晴菜

岡部 晴菜 (おかべ はるな)


専門分野 鯨類生態学
  • 鯨類相に関する研究
  • 鯨類の生活史に関する研究
  • 骨格標本の作製、管理


  • 2014年:(一財)沖縄美ら島財団総合研究所 現職
  • 2002年:福岡コミュニケーションアート専門学校 卒業


  • Cheeseman T, Barlow J, Acebes JM, Audley K, Bejder L, Birdsall C,...Kobayashi N, Lammers M, Lyman E, …Okabe H,…Clapham P. (2024). Bellwethers of change: population modelling of North Pacific humpback whales from 2002 through 2021 reveals shift from recovery to climate response. Royal Society Open Science, 11(2), 231462.
  • 岡部晴菜, 三谷曜子, 斎野重夫, 杉田知香, 古巻史穂, 尾澤幸恵, 小林希実. (2024). 北海道羅臼沖におけるザトウクジラ Megaptera novaeangliae 同一個体の複数回に亘る来遊の報告. 哺乳類科学, 64(1), 1-1.
  • Cheeseman T, Southerland K, Acebes JM, Audley K, Barlow J, Bejder L, Birdsall C, Bradford A,…Kobayashi N, Lyman E, Malleson M,…Okabe H,…Clapham P. (2023). A collaborative and comprehensive photo-ID dataset. Scientific reports, 13(1), 10237.
  • Stephanie S, Kobayashi N, Okabe H, Ozawa S. Studying the behavioral impacts of commercial whale watch and swim-with-whale tours on humpback whales in Okinawa, Japan. IWC scientific committee report, SC/69A/WW/04
  • Kobayashi N, Kondo S, Tsujii K, Oki K, Hida M, Okabe H, Yoshikawa T, Ogawa R, Lee C, Higashi N, Okamoto R, Ozawa S, Uchida S, Mitani Y. (2022) Interchanges and movements of humpback whales in Japanese waters: Okinawa, Ogasawara, Amami, and Hokkaido, using an automated matching system. PLoS ONE 17(11): e0277761.
  • Yoshikawa T, Hida M, Lee C, Okabe H, Kobayashi N, Ozawa S, Saito H, Kan M, Date S, Shimojo S. 2021. Identification of over one thousand individual wild humpback whales using fluke photos. Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. 4: ISBN 978-989-758-555-5, ISSN 2184-4321, 957-967.
  • 岡部晴菜、狩野秀幸、玉城裕一、尾澤幸恵、小林希実. 那覇空港に漂着したマッコウクジラ –腐敗の経過観察と鯨体の処理方法について-. 2021. 沖縄ブロック国土交通研究会 (学会プロシーディング).
  • Kobayashi N, Okabe H, Higashi N, Miyahara H, Uchida S. 2021. Diel patterns in singing activity of humpback whales in a winter breeding area in Okinawa (Ryukyuan) waters. Marine Mammal Science. 2021: 1-11.
  • Kobayashi N, Ozawa S, Hanahara N, Tokutake K, Kaneshi T, Inoue K, Okabe H, Miyamoto K, Ueda K. 2021. The first record of a Longman’s beaked whale (Indopacetus pacificus) newborn neonate found on Miyako Island, Okinawa, Japan. Marine Biodiversity Records. 14:4.
  • Kobayashi N, Tokutake K, Yoshida H, Okabe H, Miyamoto K, Ito H, Kawazu I, Ueda K. 2021. The First Stranding Record of Longman’s Beaked Whale (Indopacetus pacificus) in Okinawa, Japan. Aquatic Mammals. 47(2): 153-174.
  • Acebes J. M. V, Okabe H, Kobayashi N, Nakagun S, Sakamoto T, Hirney B, Higashi N, Uchida S. 2021. Interchange and movements of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) between western North Pacific winter breeding grounds in northern Luzon, Philippines and Okinawa, Japan. Journal of cetacean research and management. 22(1): 39-53.
  • Mitani Y, Kobayashi N, Okabe H. 2020. The North-South migration of humpback whales: Photo-identification match of an individual from the Pacific coast of eastern Hokkaido and breeding areas in Okinawa. Mammalian Science. 60(2): 170.
  • Hill M. C, Bradford A. L, Steele D, Baker C. S, Ligon A. D, Acebes J. M. V, Filatova O. A, Hakala S, Kobayashi N, Morimoto Y, Okabe H, Okamoto R, Rivers J, Sato T, Titova O. V, Uyeyama R. K, Oleson E. M. 2020. Found: a missing breeding ground for endangered western North Pacific humpback whales in the Mariana Archipelago. Endangered Species Research. 41: 91-103.
  • Okabe H, Kobayashi N, Higashi N, Tokutake K, Miyahara H, Uchida S. 2019. Strandings and bycatches of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) between 1996 and 2018 around Okinawa Island, Japan. Fauna Ryukyuana. 49: 13-22.
  • 河津 勲・深田晋悟・岡部晴菜・前田好美・木野将克・真栄田賢・宮本 圭・小俣万里子・小淵貴洋・真壁正江. 2019. 野外および飼育アカウミガメの脱出率の比較.うみがめニュースレター 108: 2–5.(原著)
  • 河津 勲・岡部晴菜・小林希実. 2019. サメ類に咬まれたアカウミガメの記録. うみがめニュースレター108: 6-7.(報文)
  • Titova O. V, Filatova O. A, Fedutin I. D, Ovsyanikova E. N, Okabe H, Kobayashi N, Acebes J. M. V, Burdin A. M, Hoyt E. 2018. Photo-identification matches of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) from feeding areas in Russian Far East seas and breeding grounds in the North Pacific. Marine Mammal Science. 34: 100-112.
  • Kawazu I, Okabe H, Kobayashi N. 2017. Direct observation of mating behavior between one female and two male loggerhead turtles in the wild. Current Herpetology 35: 69–72.
  • Kobayashi N, Okabe H, Kawazu I, Higashi N, Kato K, Miyahara H, Nakamura G, Kato H, Uchida S. 2017. Distribution and local movement of humpback whales in Okinawan waters depend on their sex and reproductive status. Zoological Science 34: 58–63.
  • Funasaka N, Okabe H, Oki K, Tokutake K, Kawazu I, Yoshioka M. 2016. The occurrence and individual identification study of indo-pacific bottlenose dolphins Tursiops aduncus in the waters around Amami Oshima Island, Southern Japan: a preliminary report. Mammal Study 41: 163–169.
  • Kobayashi N, Okabe H, Kawazu I, Higashi N, Miyahara H, Kato H, Uchida S. 2016. Peak mating and breeding period of Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in Okinawa Island Region in Japan. Open Journal of Animal Sciences 6: 169–179.
  • Kobayashi N, Okabe H, Kawazu I, Higashi N, Miyahara H, Kato H, Uchida S. 2016. Spatial distribution and habitat use patterns of humpback whales in Okinawa, Japan. Mammal Study 41: 207–214.
  • Nakashima T, Kobayashi N, Yamada H, Katsumata T, Yoshida R, Kato H, Okabe H, Kawazu I, Yanase Y, Omine M, Terada M, Sugioka H, Kyo M. 2015. Repellence Effect of the New Sound for Underwater Speaker of Hydrofoil. TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation 9: 207–211.
  • 河津 勲・岡部晴菜. 2014. 沖縄島西海域におけるアカウミガメの交尾期.うみがめニュースレター100: 2–7.(原著)


  • 2021年11月:令和3年度 沖縄ブロック国土交通研究会 優秀賞(イノベーション部門)(那覇空港に漂着したマッコウクジラ:腐敗の経過観察と鯨体の処理方法について)
  • 2017年9月:日本哺乳類学会 学会論文賞(Spatial distribution and habitat use patterns of humpback whales in Okinawa, Japan.)


  • 日本哺乳類学会



















