  1. 松本 瑠偉



松本 瑠偉

松本 瑠偉 (まつもと るい)

(動物研究室室長 兼 上席研究員)

専門分野 軟骨魚類(サメ・エイ類)
  • 軟骨魚類(サメ・エイ類)の成長・繁殖学的研究、ジンベエザメの回遊行動の調査、比較解剖学的手法による軟骨魚類(サメ・エイ類)の系統・分類学的研究


  • 2024年:(一財)沖縄美ら島財団 総合研究所 動物研究室長 兼 上席研究員
  • 2020年:(一財)沖縄美ら島財団 水族館管理部 魚類課長・(兼)総合研究所上席研究員
  • 2017年:(一財)沖縄美ら島財団総合研究所
  • 2009年:(財)海洋博覧会記念公園管理財団(沖縄美ら海水族館)勤務
  • 2007年:株式会社JSコーポレーション 勤務
  • 2007年:北海道大学大学院水産科学研究課 博士課程 修了(博士・水産科学)
  • 2003年:北海道大学大学院水産科学研究課 修士課程 修了
  • 2001年:近畿大学農学部水産学科 卒業


  • 2023年-現在:日本動物園水族館協会 学術研究部員
  • 2021年:IUCN Species Survival Commission Marine Shark Specialist Group
  • 2020年:板鰓類研究会 役員会HP委員


  • 2010年:関西自然保護機構 2010年度四手井綱英記念賞


  • Yamaguchi1 K, Uno U, Kadota M, Nishimura O, Nozu R, Murakumo K, Matsumoto R, Sato K, Kuraku S. 2023 Elasmobranch genome sequencing reveals evolutionary trends of vertebrate karyotypic organization. Genome Research, 33(9): 1527–1540.
  • Matsumoto R, Murakumo K, Nozu R, Acuña-Marrero D, Green JR, Pierce SJ, Rohner CA, Reyes H, Green SM, Dove ADM, Torres ML, Hearn AR. 2023. Underwater ultrasonography and blood sampling provide the first observations of reproductive biology in free-swimming whale sharks. Endangered Species Research, 50:125-131.
  • Tomita T, Murakumo K, Matsumoto R. 2023. Narrowing, twisting, and undulating: Complicated movement in shark spiral intestine inferred using ultrasound. Zoology, 157:126077.
  • Inoue T, Shimoyama K, Saito M, Wong M K-S, Ikeba K, Nozu R, Matsumoto R, Murakumo K, Sato K, Tokunaga K, Kofuji K, Takagi W, Hyodo S. 2022. Long-term monitoring of egg-laying cycle using ultrasonography reveals the reproductive dynamics of circulating sex steroids in an oviparous catshark, (Scyliorhinus torazame). General and Comparative Endocrinology, 327:114076.
  • Narazaki T, Nakamura I, Aoki K, Iwata T, Shiomi K, Luschi P, Suganuma H, Meyer CG, Matsumoto R, Bost CA, Handrich Y, Amano M, Okamoto R, Mori K, Ciccione S, Bourjea J, Sato K. 2021. Similar circling movements observed across marine megafauna taxa. iScience 24(4): 102221.
  • 横山季代子・佐久川夏実・田村まどか・松本瑠偉・金子篤史・塚原 誠・池島隼哉・佐藤圭一. 2020. チャイルド・ライフ・スペシャリスト(Child Life Specialist:CLS)と連携して実施した沖縄美ら海水族館の遠隔授業について. 博物館学雑誌, 47: 71–77.
  • Tomita T, Toda M, Murakumo K, Miyamoto K, Matsumoto R, Ueda K, Sato K. 2021. Volume of the whale shark and their mechanism of vertical feeding. Zoology, 125932.
  • Nakamura I, Matsumoto R, Sato K. 2020. Body temperature stability observed in the whale sharks, the world's largest fish. Journal of Experimental Biology. 1;223(Pt 11).
  • Yagishita N, Ikeguchi S, Matsumoto R. 2020. Re-estimation of genetic population structure and demographic history of the whale shark (Rhincodon typus) with additional Japanese samples, inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences. Pacific Science 74:31-47.
  • Murakumo K, Matsumoto R, Tomita T, Matsumoto Y. Ueda K. 2020. The power of ultrasound: observation of nearly the entire gestation and embryonic developmental process of captive reef manta rays (Mobula alfredi). Fishery Bulletin, 118: 1-7.
  • Matsumoto R, Matsumoto Y, Ueda K, Suzuki M, Asahina K, Sato K. 2019. Observation over twenty years’ captivity reveals the process of sexual maturation in a male whale shark. Fishery Bulletin, 117(1-2): 78-86.
  • Matsumoto R, Murakumo K, Furuyama R, Matsuzaki S. 2018. Effects of energy intake and water temperature on body shape of whale sharks in Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium. Proceedings of 10th International Aquarium Congress Fukushima 2018. 80-84.
  • Hara Y, Yamaguchi K, Onimaru K, Kadota M, Koyanagi M, Keeley SD, Tatsumi K, Tanaka K, Motone F, Kageyama Y, Nozu R, Adachi N, Nishimura O, Nakagawa R, Tanegashima C, Kiyatake I, Matsumoto R, Murakumo K, Nishida K, Terakita A, Kuratani S, Sato K, Hyodo S, Kuraku S. 2018. Shark genomes provide insights into elasmobranch evolution and the origin of vertebrates. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2: 1761-1771.
  • Wyatt ASJ, Matsumoto R, Chikaraishi Y, Miyairi Y, Yokoyama Y, Sato K, Ohkouchi N, Nagata T. 2018. Enhancing insights into foraging specialization in the world’s largest fish using a multi-tissue, multi-isotope approach. Ecological Monographs, 1-28.
  • Nozu R*, Murakumo K, Yano N, Furuyama R, Matsumoto R, Yanagisawa M, Sato K, Changes in sex steroid hormone levels reflect the reproductive status of captive female zebra sharks (Stegostoma fasciatum). General and Comparative Endocrinology, 265:174-179.
  • Nozu R*, Murakumo K, Matsumoto R, Matsumoto Y, Yano N, Nakamura M, Yanagisawa M, Ueda K, Sato K, High-resolution monitoring from birth to sexual maturity of a male reef manta ray, Mobula alfredi, held in captivity for 7 years: changes in external morphology, behavior, and steroid hormones levels. BMC Zoology, 2:14, 2017
  • Matsumoto R, Toda M, Matsumoto Y, Ueda K, Nakazato M, Sato K, Uchida S. Notes on husbandry of whale sharks, Rhincodon typus, in Aquaria. In: M Smith, D Warmolts, D Thoney, R Hueter, M Murray, J Ezcurra, editors. Elasmobranch Husbandry Manual II. Ohio: Ohio Biological Survey; 2017. p. 15-22.
  • Nozu R, Murakumo K, Matsumoto R, Nakamura M, Ueda K, Sato K (2015) Gonadal morphology, histology, and endocrinological characteristics of immature female whale sharks, Rhincodon typus. Zoological Science, 32: 455-458
  • Sawamoto S, Matsumoto R (2012) Stomach contents of a megamouth shark Megachasma pelagios from the Kuroshio Extension: evidence for feeding on a euphausiid swarm. Plankton Benthos Research, 7(4): 203-206, 2012
  • Nakaya K, Matsumoto R, Suda K (2008) Feeding strategy of the megamouth shark Megachasma pelagios (Lamniformes: Megachasmidae). Journal of Fish Biology, 73 (1): 17-34
  • 中川雅博, 松本瑠偉, 鈴木誉士 (2008) スノコや簾を用いた囲い込みによる用水路での外来魚駆除法. 福井陸水生物学報, 20 (1)
  • 中川雅博, 松本瑠偉, 鈴木誉士 (2008) 琵琶湖の堅田内湖におけるテナガエビとスジエビの季節的消長と侵略的外来魚の増加に伴う個体群サイズの縮小. 関西自然保護機構会報, 30(1): 35-43
  • 松本瑠偉, 内田詮三, 戸田実, 仲谷一宏 (2006) オオメジロザメCarcharhinus leucasの日本の周辺海域および淡水域からの記録. 魚類学雑誌, 53(2): 181-187


  • Pierce SJ, Pardo SA, Rohner CA, Matsumoto R, Murakumo K, Nozu R, Dove ADM, Perry C, Meekan MG. 2021. Chapter 2, Whale shark reproduction, growth, and demography. Dove, A.D.M., Pierce, S.J. (eds.), Whale Sharks, Biology, Ecology, and Conservation, 1st Edition. CRC Press, Florida.
  • Dove ADM, Matsumoto R, Schreiber C, Coco C, Yanagisawa M, Clauss T, Hoopes L, Sato K. 2021. Chapter 9, Lessons from care of whale sharks in public aquariums. Dove, A.D.M., Pierce, S.J. (eds.), Whale Sharks, Biology, Ecology, and Conservation, 1st Edition. CRC Press, Florida.
  • Rowat D, Robinson DP, Dove ADM, Araujo G, Clauss T, Coco C, Dearden P, Grace MK, Green JR, Hearn AR, Holmberg J, Hoopes L, Matsumoto R, Murakumo K, Sato K. et al. 2021. Chapter 13, Outstanding questions in whale shark research and conservation. Dove, A.D.M., Pierce, S.J. (eds.), Whale Sharks, Biology, Ecology, and Conservation, 1st Edition. CRC Press, Florida.
  • 野津 了・松本瑠偉・村雲清美・佐藤圭一.2019.水族館での飼育観察が大型板鰓類の繁殖生物学に光を当てる.板鰓類研究会報,55: 2-7.
  • 佐藤圭一・冨田武照・松本瑠偉.2022.沖縄美ら海水族館はなぜ役に立たない研究をするのか? サメ博士たちの好奇心まみれな毎日.産業編集センター, 東京.


  • 日本板鰓類研究会







