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  1. Research presentation on the sperm whale stranding at Naha Airport received an award of excellence!
Okinawa Churashima Foundation RESEARCH INSTITUTE

Research on marine organisms

Research presentation on the sperm whale stranding at Naha Airport received an award of excellence!

On November 26th, 2020, a dead sperm whale was found on the reef just north of the taxiway at Naha Airport. Sperm whales are widely distributed across the world’s oceans. Males can reach 19 meters in length, and females can reach 12 meters in length.

With the deceased whale, we undertook detailed observations before burying the whale carcass on the airport grounds. Dissection and disposal were difficult, due to operational restrictions at the airport, limiting the use of heavy equipment immediately after the stranding.

Our foundation cooperated with various parties to conduct detailed surveys of decomposition over two months from discovery to burial of the carcass. The results of this research were presented at the Okinawan area Conference of Land, Infrastructure and Transport in 2021. There had been no previous detailed reports on the results of leaving a whale carcass to decay and its burial. This presentation was given the Award for Excellence (Innovation Category). Our foundation will continue to conduct scientific marine research with the goals of conservation of whales and dolphins, and assisting the local community.

A stranded sperm whale at Naha Airport (length 12.1 meters)


岡部晴菜、狩野秀幸、玉城裕一、尾澤幸恵、小林希実 (太字:財団職員)


Stranded sperm whale at Naha Airport -The process of decomposition and disposal of a whale carcass-


沖縄ブロック国土交通研究会 (Okinawan bloc. Conference of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.)