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  1. Genetic evidence of interactions by whale sharks in Japanese waters with whale sharks around the world
Okinawa Churashima Foundation RESEARCH INSTITUTE

Research on marine organisms

Genetic evidence of interactions by whale sharks in Japanese waters with whale sharks around the world

Figure. Whale shark in Okinawan waters
Figure. Whale shark in Okinawan waters

Whale sharks migrate long distances and are found across the world’s temperate and tropical zones. However, it was not clear what genetic interactions take place between those whale sharks found in Japanese waters and those in other parts of the world.
After studying the genetics of whale sharks in Japanese waters (from Okinawa to Mainland Japan) and in other areas, the results showed likely interactions between whale sharks in Japanese waters, and those in the Philippines, Taiwan and the Gulf of California.
This suggests whale shark migration occurs between the western North Pacific, Indian Ocean and the whole of the North Pacific. These results help reveal the ecology of whale sharks, and are expected to contribute to conservation activities and population management as whale sharks are at risk of population decline.


Naoki Yagishita, Shin-ichiro Ikeguchi and Rui Matsumoto (Name in bold: Churashima Foundation staff)

Title of Paper

Re-estimation of Genetic Population Structure and Demographic History of the Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus) with Additional Japanese Samples, Inferred from Mitochondrial DNA Sequences

Title of Journal

Pacific Science, 74(1):1-19.

Link to Article