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  1. Major Projects
Okinawa Churashima Foundation has a wealth of experience  and know-how in investigative research,  public awareness-raising, and management of facilities.
Investigaative research「Centering on the Research Institute, we have been conducting investigative research and technological development concerning Okinawa’s nature, history, and culture.」Public awareness -raising「We have been conducting public awareness-raising activities, taking advantage of the results of investigative research we have accumulated so far on Okinawa’s natural environment, organisms, etc.」Management of facilities「We manage and operate facilities that serve the public interest to a great degree such as Ocean Expo Park and Shurijo Castle Park, which are key tourist sites in Okinawa.」

Let us handle matters related to Okinawa’s nature, history, and culture. Taking advantage of our wealth of experience and high level of expertise, we can respond to your requests with our comprehensive capabilities.

Management and operation of facilities
Projects related subtropical plants
Projects related to marine organisms
Projects related to history and culture