1. 10)平成31年度 研究発表等実績 (動物系)


10)平成31年度 研究発表等実績 (動物系)



  1. Duchatelet L, Delroisse J, Pinte N, Sato K, Ho H-C, Mallefet J. 2020. Adrenocorticotropic hormone and cyclic adenosine monophosphate are involved in the control of shark bioluminescence. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2020, 96: 37–45. DOI: 10.1111/php.13154.
  2. Duchatelet L, Pinte N, Tomita T, Sato K, Mallefet1 J. 2019. Etmopteridae bioluminescence: dorsal pattern specificity and aposematic use. Zoological Letters, doi.org/10.1186/s40851-019-0126-2.
  3. 藤原恭司・宮本 圭・本村浩之.2019.与那国島から得られた沖縄県初記録のキオビイズハナダイ.Nature of Kagoshima,45:255-257.
  4. Hanahara N, Higashiji T, Shinzato C, Koyanagi R, Maeda K. 2019. First record of Larsonella pumilus (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from Japan, with phylogenetic placement of the genus Larsonella. Zootaxa, 4695 (4): 367-377.
  5. Hill M, Bradford A, Steel D, Baker S, Ligon A, Adam C, Acebes J, Filatova O, Kobayashi N, Okabe H. 2020. Found: a missing breeding ground for endangered western North Pacific humpback whales in the Mariana Archipelago. Endangered Species Research. 41: 91-103.
  6. Izumi T, Fujii T, Yanagi K, Higashiji T, Fujita T. 2019. Redescription of Synactinernus flavus for the First Time after a Century and Description of Synactinernus churaumi sp. Nov. (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Actiniaria). Zoological Science, 36(6): 528-538.
  7. 河津 勲・深田晋悟・岡部晴菜・前田好美・木野将克・真栄田賢・宮本 圭・小俣万里子・小淵貴洋・真壁正江. 2019. 野外および飼育アカウミガメの脱出率の比較. うみがめニュースレター,108:2-5.
  8. 河津 勲・岡部晴菜・小林希実. 2019. サメ類に咬まれたアカウミガメの記録. うみがめニュースレター,108:6-7.
  9. 嘉陽宗幸・河津 勲. 2019. 沖縄島国頭村におけるアカウミガメの季節外れの産卵記録. うみがめニュースレター,108:8-11.
  10. 嘉陽宗幸・河津 勲. 2019. 沖縄島国頭村におけるアカウミガメ孵化幼体のロードキル. うみがめニュースレター,108:11-13.
  11. Kise H, Higashiji T, Nonaka M, Uyeno D, Reimer JD. 2020. First records of the genus Sphenopus from temperate waters and lower mesophotic depths. Marine Biodiversity. 50:12.
  12. Koga S, Yanagisawa M, Koga H, Ueda K, Kawazu I, Tokutake K, Funasaka N, Yoshioka M, Miyahara H. 2019. Reproductive Ability of Elderly Male Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) in Captivity. Mammal Study 44, 135-139.
  13. Kogure Y, Kaneko A. 2019. Occurrence records of a sea star, Ogmaster capella (Echinodermata, Asteroidea, Goniasteridae), a rarely encountered species in Japanese waters. Biogeography, 21: 63-65.
  14. Matsumoto R, Matsumoto Y, Ueda K, Suzuki M, Asahina K, Sato K. 2019. Sexual maturation in a male whale shark (Rhincodon typus) based on observations made over 20 years of captivity. Fishery Bulletin, 117: 78-86.
  15. Morita M, Kitanobo S, Nozu R, Iwao K, Fukami H, Isomura N. 2019. Reproductive strategies in the intercrossing corals Acropora donei and A. tenuis to prevent hybridization. Coral Reefs, 38(6): 1211-1223.
  16. Murakumo K, Matsumoto R, Tomita T, Matsumoto Y, Ueda K. 2020. The power of ultrasound: observation of nearly the entire gestation and embryonic developmental process of captive reef manta rays (Mobula alfredi). Fishery Bulletin.
  17. Nakamura M, Kobayashi Y. 2019. Sex Differentiation, Sex Change, and Sex Control in Groupers. Pages 735-750 in Wang H-P, Piferrer F, Chen S-L, Shen Z-G, eds. Sex Control in Aquaculture, Volume II, First Edition. John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
  18. 小川智史・飯島 啓・佐藤 将・兵藤則行・柴田安司・中村 將・平井俊郎. 2019. コイ各臓器のヘマトキシリン・エオシン染色像に対するブアン固定液のpHの影響. 帝京科学大学紀要 15: 143-151.
  19. Oka S, Kobayashi N, Sato T, Ueda K, Yamagishi M. 2019. Sound production in the coconut crab, the largest terrestrial crustacean. Zoology 137 (2019) 125710.
  20. 岡部晴菜・小林希実・東 直人・徳武浩司・宮原弘和・内田詮三.2019.1996–2018年の沖縄島周辺におけるザトウクジラの漂着および混獲.Fauna Ryukyuana, 49:13–22.
  21. Osawa M, Higashiji T. 2019. First record of Propagurus haigae (McLaughlin, 1997) (Decapoda, Anomura, Paguridae) from Japan. Crustaceana 92(4): 477-483.
  22. Reimer JD, Kise H, Santos MEA, Lindsay DJ, Pyle RL, Copus JM, Bowen BW, Nonaka M, Higashiji T, Benayahu Y. 2019. Exploring the Biodiversity of Understudied Benthic Taxa at Mesophotic and Deeper Depths: Examples From the Order Zoantharia (Anthozoa: Hexacorallia). Frontiers in Marine Science, 6(305): 1-12.
  23. Shumoto G, Nagashima LA, Itano EN, Minakawa T, Ueda K, Sano A. 2019. Immunohistochemical Cross-Reactivity between Arthrographis kalrae and Highly Pathogenic Coccidioides posadasii, Histoplasma capsulatum, and Paracoccidioides Fungal Species. Mycopathologia, 184: 393-402.
  24. Takata K, Taninaka H, Nonaka M, Iwase F, Kikuchi T, Suyama Y, Nagai S, Yasuda N. 2019. Multiplexed ISSR genotyping by sequencing distinguishes two precious coral species (Anthozoa: Octocorallia: Coralliidae) that share a mitochondrial haplotype. PeerJ, 7: e7769.
  25. Tomikawa K, Yanagisawa M, Higashiji T, Yano N, Vader W. 2019. A New Species of Podocerus (Crustacea: Amphipoda:Podoceridae) Associated with the Whale Shark Rhincodon typus. Species Diversity 24: 209–216.
  26. Toshino S, Tanimoto M, Minemizu R. 2019. Olindias deigo sp. nov., a new species (Hydrozoa, Trachylinae, Limnomedusae) from the Ryukyu Archipelago, southern Japan. ZooKeys 900: 1–21.

27. Kushida Y, Higashiji T, Reimer JD. First observation of mole-like burrowing behavior observed in a sea pen. Marine Biodiversity.(in press)

28. 三谷曜子・小林希実・岡部晴菜. ザトウクジラの南北回遊:北海道東部太平洋沿岸の個体が沖縄の識別個体と一致. 哺乳類科学. (in press)

29. Oka S, Nakamura M, Nozu R, Miyamoto K. First observation of larval oarfish, Regalecus russelii, from fertilized eggs through hatching, following artificial insemination in captivity. Zoological letters. (in press)

30. Yi CH, Park J, Sasai T, Kim HS, Kim JG, Kim MS, Cho IY, Kim JM, Kim IH. Complete mitochondrial genome of the Hydrophis melanocephalus slender-necked sea snake (Squamata, Elapidae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B.(in press)


  1. 東地拓生. 2020. 沖縄の深海を探る. うみうし通信.NO106.(現在投稿中:3/31出版予定)
  2. Kawazu I, Fukada S, Maeda K, Maeda Ko, Kino M, Omata M, Makabe M, Kobuchi T. 2018. Reproductive Parameters of Captive Sea Turtles in Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium. Proceedings of 10th International Aquarium Conference Fukushima 2018. 74-79.
  3. 小林靖尚・野津 了.2019.性を換える魚の世界共進化―魚はいかにして性を換えるのか? 神田真司(編),pp. 433-460. 遺伝子から解き明かす魚の不思議な世界, 水面下で起きた4億年の進化物語, 一色出版.
  4. Matsumoto R, Murakumo K, Furuyama R, Matsuzaki S. 2018. Effects of energy intake and water temperature on body shape of whale sharks in Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium. Proceedings of 10th International Aquarium Congress Fukushima 2018. 80-84.
  5. 野津 了・松本瑠偉・村雲清美・佐藤圭一.2019.水族館での飼育観察が大型板鰓類の繁殖生物学に光を当てる.板鰓類研究会報,55: 2-7.
