1. 7)平成30年度 研究発表実績(動物系)


7)平成30年度 研究発表実績(動物系)



  • Doi H. Fukaya K, Oka S, Sato K, Kondoh M, Miya M. 2019. Evaluation of false-negative detection probabilities at the water-filtering and a PCR step in environmental DNA metabarcoding using a multispecies site occupancy model. Scientific Reports, 9: 3581. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-40233-1.
  • Duchatelet L, Pinte N, Tomita T, Sato K, Mallefet J. 2019. Etmopteridae bioluminescence: dorsal pattern specificity and aposematic use. Zoological Letters, 5:9.
  • 藤林 真・ 河津 勲・亀崎直樹. 2018. ウミガメ類のふ化幼体の流れ藻に対する反応. うみがめニュースレター, 107: 2-6.
  • 藤原恭司・ 宮本 圭・ 本村浩之. 2019. 与那国島から得られた沖縄県初記録のキオビイズハナダイ. Nature of Kagoshima, 45: 255-257.
  • Funasaka N, Yoshioka M, Ueda K, Koga H, Yanagisawa M, Koga S, Tokutake K. 2018. Long-term monitoring of circulating progesterone and its relationship to peripheral white blood cells in female false killer whales Pseudorca crassidens. Journal of Veterinary Medical, 80(9): 1431-1437.
  • Hamabata T, Nishizawa H, Kawazu I, Kameda K, Kamezaki N, Hikida T. 2018. Stock composition of green turtles Chelonia mydas foraging in the Ryukyu Archipelago differs with size class. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 600: 151-163.
  • Hara Y, Yamaguchi K, Onimaru K, Kadota M, Koyanagi M, Keeley SD, Tatsumi K, Tanaka K, Motone F, Kageyama Y, Nozu R, Adachi N, Nishimura O, Nakagawa R, Tanegashima C, Kiyatake I, Matsumoto R, Murakumo K, Nishida K, Terakita A, Kuratani S, Sato K, Hyodo S, Kuraku S. 2018. Shark genomes provide insights into elasmobranch evolution and the origin of vertebrates. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2: 1761–1771.
  • Hirasaki Y, Tomita T, Yanagisawa M, Ueda K, Sato K. 2018. Heart Anatomy of Rhincodon typus: Three-Dimensional X-Ray Computed Tomography of Plastinated Specimens. The Anatomical Record, 301(11): 1801-1808.
  • Horiguchi R, Nozu R, Hirai T, Kobayashi Y, Nakamura M. 2018. Expression patterns of sex differentiation-related genes during gonadal sex change in the protogynous wrasse, Halichoeres trimaculatus. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 257: 67-73.
  • Kawazu I, Inoguchi E, Maeda K, Fukada S, Omata M. 2018. Long-distance movement of a tag-released hawksbill turtle from Japan to Yapen Island, Papua Province, Indonesia. Fauna Ryukyuana, 45: 1-3.
  • Kawazu I, Fukada S, Omata M, Kobuchi T, Makabe M. 2018. Breeding Success of Captive Black Turtles in an Aquarium. Current Herpetology, 37(2): 180–186.
  • Kawazu I, Ueda K, Hirai S, Maeda K, Yanagisawa M, Miyahara H. 2018. Captive Loggerhead Turtle Hatchlings Infected by Parasitic Cardiovascular Blood Flukes. Marine Turtle Newsletter, 155: 20-21.
  • Koga S, Yanagisawa M, Koga H, Ueda K, Kawazu I, Tokutake K, Funasaka N, Yoshioka M, Miyahara H. Reproductive ability of elderly male Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) in captivity. Mammal study. (受理済み)
  • Minakawa T, Ueda K, Sano A, Kamisako H, Iwanaga M, Komine T, Wada S. 2018. A Suspected Case of Paracoccidioidomycosis Ceti in a Male Aquarium-maintained Pacific White-sided Dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens) in Japan. Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 23(2): 45-50.
  • 宮本 圭・ 永田史彦・ 高岡博子・ 柳澤牧央・ 花原 望. 2018. 西表島から採集された日本初記録のウミヘビ属魚類カタグロウミヘビ (新称) Ophichthus cephalozona Bleeker, 1864 (ウナギ目: ウミヘビ科). Fauna Ryukyuana, 46: 35-40.
  • Nakayama N, Takaoka H, Miyamoto K. 2018. First Record of the Grenadier Coelorinchus sheni (Actinopterygii: Gadiformes: Macrouridae) from Japan. Species Diversity, 23: 1–7.
  • 野中正法. 2018. 宝石サンゴ類 (八放サンゴ亜綱, ウミトサカ目, サンゴ科) の分類. 海洋と生物, 40(6): 519-527.
  • Nozu R, Murakumo K, Yano N, Furuyama R, Matsumoto R, Yanagisawa M, Sato K. 2018. Changes in sex steroid hormone levels reflect the reproductive status of captive female zebra sharks (Stegostoma fasciatum). General and Comparative Endocrinology, 265: 174–179.
  • Oka S, Hanahara N, Shintani T. 2018. First Japanese record of the Mindoro snake eel Lamnostoma mindorum (Actinopterygii: Anguilliformes: Ophichthidae) from the Ryukyu Islands. Fauna Ryukyuana, 42: 5-8.
  • Shumoto G, Ueda K, Yamaguchi S, Kaneshima T, Konno T, Terashima Y, Yamamoto A, Nagashima LA, Itano EN, Sano A. 2018. Immunohistochemical Cross-Reactivity Between Paracoccidioides sp. from Dolphins and Histoplasma capsulatum. Mycopathologia, 183: 793–803.
  • Suzuki A, Segawa T, Sawa S, Nishitani C, Ueda K, Itou T, Asahina K, Suzuki M. 2018. Comparison of the gut microbiota of captive common bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus in three aquaria. Applied Microbiology, 126: 31-39.
  • Tanaka H, Higashiji T, Fujita T. 2019. Record of Eremopyga denudata (de Meijere, 1903) (Echinoida, Diadematoida, Diadematidae) from the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan. Fauna Ryukyuana, 48: 9-18.
  • 徳武浩司・ 山﨑 啓. 希少爬虫類の生息地公開型保全の可能性~クロイワトカゲモドキの事例~.爬虫両棲類学会報. 2018(2): 204-210.
  • 徳武浩司・ 山﨑 啓・ 岡慎一郎. 2018. 自然標識による野生下クロイワトカゲモドキの個体識別. 爬虫両棲類学会報. 2018(1): 48-51.
  • 冨田武照. 2019.「水族館古生物学」の展望. 化石(日本古生物学会). (受理済み)
  • Tomita T, Murakumo K, Ueda K, Ashida H, Furuyama R. 2018. Locomotion is not a privilege after birth: Ultrasound images of viviparous shark embryos swimming from one uterus to the other. Ethology.
  • Tomita T, Toda M, Miyamoto K, Oka S, Ueda K, Sato K. 2018. Development of the lunate-shaped caudal fin in white shark embryos. The Anatomical Record, 301: 1068-1073.
  • Tomita T, Toda M, Miyamoto K, Ueda K, Nakaya K. 2018. Morphology of a Hidden Tube: Resin Injection and CT Scanning Reveal the Three-dimensional Structure of the Spiracle in the Japanese Bullhead Shark Heterodontus japonicas (Chondrichthyes; Heterodontiformes; Heterodontidae). The Anatomical Record, 301: 1336-1341.
  • Tomita T, Toda M, Murakumo K. 2018. Stealth breathing of the angelshark. Zoology, 130:1-5.
  • Tomita T, Touma H, Murakumo K, Yanagisawa M, Yano N, Oka S, Miyamoto K, Hanahara N, Sato K. 2018. Captive Birth of Tiger Shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) Reveals a Shift in Respiratory Mode during Parturition. Copeia, 106(2): 292-296.
  • 戸篠 祥・ 山城秀之・ 谷本 都. 2018. 琉球列島で採集されたアマクサクラゲ. Fauna Ryukyuana, 43: 19-25.
  • Wyatt ASJ, Matsumoto R, Chikaraishi Y, Miyairi Y, Yokoyama Y, Sato K, Ohkouchi N, Nagata T. 2018. Enhancing insights into foraging specialization in the world’s largest fish using a multi-tissue, multi-isotope approach. Ecological Monographs, 1–28.
  • 横山季代子・ 鳥山由子.沖縄美ら海水族館の視覚障害者向けプログラム ―「科学へジャンプ」において実施している視覚障害児のためのワークショップ「サメのふしぎ」を中心に―. 博物館学雑誌, 44(1): 59-71.
  • Yusa Y, Yasuda N, Yamamoto T, Watanabe K, Higashiji T, Kaneko A, Nishida K, Hoeg JT. 2018. Direct Growth Measurements of Two Deep-sea Scalpellid Barnacles, Scalpellum stearnsii and Graviscalpellum pedunculatum. Zoological Studies, 57-29.


  • Kawaguchi M, Sato K. 2018. Pregnancy and Parturition: Teleost Fishes and Elasmobranchs. p436–442. In: Skinner M (ed), Encyclopedia of Reproduction, Second Edition. Elsevier.
  • 小林希実. 2018. クジラは何歳くらいまで親と過ごすの?. p26-27. In: 加藤秀弘・ 中村 玄(編), みんなが知りたいシリーズ⑨ クジラ・ イルカの疑問50. 成山堂書店, 東京.
  • 小林希実. 2018. クジラはなんで回遊するの?. p82-83. In: 加藤秀弘・ 中村 玄(編), みんなが知りたいシリーズ⑨ クジラ・ イルカの疑問50. 成山堂書店, 東京.
  • Kobayashi Y, Nozu R, Horiguchi R, Nakamura M. 2018. Variety of sex change in tropical fish. p321-347. In: Kobayashi K, Kitano T, Iwao Y, Kondo M (eds), Diversity in Sex Differentiation, Reproductive & Developmental Strategies, Diversity and Commonality in Animals. Springer, Tokyo.
  • 佐藤圭一. 2018. 軟骨魚類の歯. p102-103. In: 日本魚類学会(編), 魚類学の百科事典. 丸善出版, 東京.
  • 佐藤圭一. 2018. 交尾行動. p282-283. In: 日本魚類学会(編), 魚類学の百科事典. 丸善出版, 東京.
  • 冨田武照. 2018. 化石から見た魚類大系統. P52-53. In: 日本魚類学会(編), 魚類学の百科事典. 丸善出版, 東京.
  • 冨田武照. 2018. 軟骨魚類の系統進化. p56-57. In: 日本魚類学会(編), 魚類学の百科事典. 丸善出版, 東京.
  • 植草康浩・ 一島啓人・ 伊藤春香・ 植田啓一. 2019. 鯨類の骨学. 緑書房, 東京.
